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Human Rights Around the Bay is a regional human rights monitor for the Bay Area.  Yes, human rights violations are not just something that happen in faraway countries, but are endemic also around the liberal Bay. 

Human Rights Around the Bay is your central source for news about a broad swath of human rights from civil and political rights to economic, social and cultural rights. We’ll look at oppression broadly as well. We must demand justice for people oppressed on the basis of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, class, homelessness, belief, politics, ability, age, among others.


We’ll also show examples of local governments resisting the far-right policies of the national administration, as it turns toward white nationalism and a Handmaid’s Tale role for women. Grassroots movements around the Bay are pressing city councils and boards of supervisors to exit from collaboration with ICE and other national security agencies.  And as Trump’s movement escalates the attack on civil rights, civil liberties, unions, and social services, we must demand our local governments pick up the slack. 

We depend on people like you, living and working in the nine counties and 101 cities and towns around the region, to send news and other updates for the website.  Your input is greatly appreciated.

Always remember, there is something you—or rather, we—can do that will make an important difference.


About Human Rights Around



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