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Berkeley Speaks Newspaper
​Your Go-To Site for News About Your City

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Your Community Newspaper

Reimagine Our City


Berkeley Speaks is a new, not-for-profit, community news outlet focused on issues of social justice in our city. We offer news and analysis of  housing and homelessness, public and mental/behavioral health, and policing, among other issues.

There is no newspaper in the Berkeley area that serves this purpose. 

These are issues that affect everyone at some point. But the decisions that affect your healthcare, your housing, and your safety may feel like they are made in mysterious ways. And it’s true, the deal often is struck before the final vote at a city council or some other meeting. 

That's why ​young and veteran advocates, grassroots movement activists, volunteer city commissioners, and people with backgrounds in journalism and local government have come together to create Berkeley Speaks newspaper (formerly Berkeley Now​).  We believe in community reporting, where the people who are invested in making the community better are also the people telling their stories.

Click here to see our first issue, from November 2022, which was published under the interim name of "Berkeley Now." See



In our first issue, we laid out a unified approach to both crime reduction and human rights. This is Berkeley's program called Reimagining Public Safety.

Over time, Reimagining should allow Berkeley to:
1. Reduce the amount of money spent on policing, which is money not available to address the root causes of crime.
2. Invest resources in alternative, professional, and community-based programs such as mental health, affordable housing, and education.
3. Improve policing itself by focusing it on real safety concerns, eliminating racial disparities, demilitarizing, and providing accountability.

Berkeley Speaks Newspaper will track the progress of Reimagining Public Safety as the program rolls out.  We will provide news and analysis you can get nowhere else. 


Please contact us at the address below to:

* Subscribe (for free!) to Berkeley Speaks

* Write for Berkeley Speaks

*  Contribute artwork, photography, or web design for Berkeley Speaks

*  Donate funds for Berkeley Speaks

Contact Berkeley Speaks Newspaper at:

Credit for graphics: 
L: WRAP; R:  boonachepresents

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